Geography- Tourism


Cities, mountains, coasts

Attractions of Cities: 

Museums, galleries, shopping, landmarks, restaurants, worldwide events.

Attractions of Mountains:

Skiing (winter), scenery, walking, camping.

Attractions of Coasts:

Sunbathing, swimming, boat trips, piers, amusements.

Image result for london ( result for blackpoolImage result for alps skiing (

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External factors affecting UK tourism


Following 9/11 terror attacks in New York there was a decrease in air travel into and out of the USA. Visitors to London declined following the 7 July attacks on the underground in 2005. It is likely that tourism in Paris will see a decline resulting from the terror attacks in 2015.

Exchange rates

The value of the pound compared to other countries affects the number of tourists. If it is low then it will be cheaper to visit the UK so more visitors will come.

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Butler Model

Exploration - a small number of tourists visit the area. The area is unspoilt and few tourist facilities exist.

Involvement - local people start to provide some facilities for tourists. There starts to become a recognised tourist season.

Development - the host country starts to develop and advertise the area. The area becomes recognised as a tourist destination.

Consolidation - the area continues to attract tourists. The growth in tourist numbers may not be a fast as before. Some tensions develop between the host and the tourists.

Stagnation- the facilities for the tourists may decline as they become old and run down. The numbers of tourists may decline too.

Rejuvenation - investment and modernisation may occur which leads to improvements and visitor numbers may increase again.

Decline - if the resort is not rejuvenated (stage 6) then it will go into decline. People lose their jobs related to tourism. 

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