Fold Mountains 2

Use of fold mountains

  • Created by: Bel
  • Created on: 01-04-11 11:26

Use of Fold mountains

Farming: Higher slopes not suitable for arable so used for animals EG Mountain goats. Lower slopes used for crops. Steep slopes sometimes terraced -> easier crop growing.

H.E.P.: Steep-sided  mountains and high lakes mean fold mountains are good for generating hydro-electric power.

Mining: Fold mountains are major source of metal ores -> lots of mining. Steep slopes make access hard, so zig-zag roads have been carved out of sides of some mountains.

Forestry: Fold mountain ranges are good for growing some trees EG conifers. Used for things like fuel, building materials, and making things like paper and furniture.

Tourism: Spectacular scenery attracts tourists. In winter people come for sports like skiing, snowboarding and ice climbing. In summer walkers come. Tunnels have been drilled to make straight, fast roads. This makes transport quicker.

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