Evaluative Studies

A few evaluative studies for formation and maintenance of relationships

  • Created by: mel
  • Created on: 26-01-11 16:38


Filter Model: Sprecher

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Couples who were matched in attractiveness, interests and social backgrounds were more likely to form long-term relationships

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Filter model- Gruber- Baldini

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The partners get more similar in attitudes and beliefs as the relationship progressed

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Filter model: study by Kerchkoff and Davis

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longitudinal study of student couples who have been together over 18months

Questionnaires on personality traits and attitude similarity with partner

Found that attitude similarities were most important adn that psychologial compatibility and meeting each other's needs came later

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Reward/Needs theory-Clark and Mills

                                  -O'Connor and Rosenblood

                                  -Smith and Mackie

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Clark and Mills: 'communal relationship'

O'Connor and Rosenblood: Social Affliliation Model, individual levels of optimum contact

Smith and Mackie: Happy relationships-needs met

                             Unhappy relationships-needs not met

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Equity theory-Stafford and Canary

                    -Clark and Mills


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Stafford and Canary: 200 married couples, satisfaction highest if equitable, second was those who felt they overbenefitted and last was those who underbenefitted

Clark and Mills: Oppose economic theories, 'communal relationships'

Ragsdale: Equity alone insufficient to judge a relationship

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Social Exchange Theory: Rusbult and Martz


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Rusbult and Martz: When investments are high and alternatives are low, women are likely to stay in abusive relationships

Moghaddam:'economic' only applies to individualist cultures

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