Enzymes biological catalysts

Enzymes are biological catalysts and can speed up the rate of chemical reactionsin all living organisms with out being used up them selfs. Enzyme controls a particular reaction.

Enzymes work best at or near its optimum temperature and PH.

High temperatures or extreme PH can denature an enzyme, but they can not be killed as enzymes are chemicals

Enzymes can catalyse the cell reactions of resperation, protein synthesisand photosythesis.

For temperatures bellow an enzymes optimum temperature, enzymes double their reaction time for every 10oc increace in temperature.

  • Created by: mellow
  • Created on: 18-05-11 19:12

Enzymes and digestion

In the digestive system, glands secrete digestive enzymes on food to split large insoluble molecules intosmaller ones that can be absorbed into the blood stream.

Amylase catalyses the break down of starch into sugars int the mouth and small intestine.

proteases catalyses the break down of proteins and turns them into amino acids in the stomach and small intestine.

Lipases catalyses the break down of fats and oils into fatty acids and glycerol in the stomach and small intestine.

stomac cells produce hydrochloric acid to provide stomach enymes with their optimum PH.

Liver cells produce bile stored in the gall bladder. Released into the the small intestine, bile neutralises the acidic food from the stomach and provides an alkaline PH for the enzymes of the small intestine.

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