

Enzymes & Nutrition

Enzymes speed up reactions as they are a biological catalyst.

Enzymes use the lock and key model to show how enzymes synthesise (join together) or breakdown molecules.

In digestion, different molecules are broken down into different products:

  • Proteins are broken down into amino acids.
  • Carbohydrates (starch) are broken down into glucose molecules.
  • Lipids (fats and oils) are broken down into fatty acids.

Enzymes which are often found in the body:

  • Amylase - Breaks down starch to small sugars (e.g. maltose) in saliva and the small intestine.
  • Catalase - Breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen in most cells.
  • Starch Synthase - Synthesises glucose into starch in plants.
  • DNA Polymerase - Synthesises monomers into DNA in the nucleus.
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