English Literature

  • Created by: henryhm
  • Created on: 23-04-17 19:36

Winter Swans


Written in tercets (three line stanzas), reflects difference between couple except for final couplet signifying relationship optimisticly, it does this by being different to the rest of th stanzas signifying positive change.


Lots of natural imagery - "the clouds had given there all - two days of rain" this symbolises the state of the couples relationship there is also personification of the clouds suggesting they had been deliberatly attacking the couple.

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Love's Phillosophy


"heaven" , "divine", "forgiven". "why not i with thine" - no reply suggests he is controlling as it is never written down the womans repsonse shuggesting she is insignificant. first stanzas language is  more relaxed verbs used "mix" "mingle" wheereas in second stanza after his rejction he becomes desperate Clasp has connotations of gripping tightly, this refelcts his growing frustration.


Two stanzas as his first argument is unsuccesful so he continues in the second stanza, sturctural repetition presents the speaker as demanding, this is backed up by the repetitive natural images.

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Mother, Any Distance


Tape measure is like an umbilical cord: "you at the zero-end, me with the spool of tape" this symbolies the connection furthermore "spacewalk" imagery, when spacewalking you are attached by a life-giving cord, space is exciting but there is a risk too.


Lack of fixed rhyme scheme and the varying legnth of lines reflects the unpredictable ature of the relationship, Enjambment deliberaterly contrasted by "Anchor. Kite" Both anchor and kite bring stability but hold you in one place these words suggest being held back.

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Letters from Yorkshire


Woman is more negative , her "feeding words onto a blank screen" compared to the man's "knuckles singing".


tercets give sign of imbalance similar to winter swans, suggesting the problem are not resolved. the pasuing sugegsts the distance in the relationship not only the phyiscal distnace but a symbolic and metaphorical distance between the two in their relationship. 

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