Controlling Infectious Diseases

  • pathogens + changing pathogens
  • defence mechanisms + using drugs to treat diseases
  • Developing new medicines
  • immunity

Pathogens and Changing pathogens

Learning Objectives

  • What are the differences between bacteria and viruses
  • How do Pathogens cause disease
  • How did Ignaz Sammelweiss change the way we look at disease

Key notes

  • Bacteria are a single cell organism that are much smaller than animal or plant cells
  • Viruses are even smaller than bacteria. they usually have a regular shape. Viruses use and damage your cells as they reproduce
  • Pathogens reproduce rapidly. Bacteria split in two. they often produce toxins
  • Ignaz Sammelweiss discovered that the diseases of a patient a doctor was treating were passed to him and he infected his next patient if he didn't wsh his hands
  • many types of bacteria have developeed antibiotic resistence as a result of natural selection. To prevent the problem getting worse we must not over use antibiotics
  • If bacteria or viruses mutate, new strains of a disease can appear which spread rapidly to cause epidemics or pandemics
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Defence Mechanisms and Using Drugs to treat diseas

Learning Objectives

  • How does your body stop pathogens from getting in
  • How do white blood cells protect us from disease
  • what is a medicine
  • Why cant we use antibiotics to treat diseases caused by viruses
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Defence Mechanisms and Using Drugs to treat diseas

Key notes

  • Your body has several methods of defending itselfagainst the entryt of pathogens using the skin, mucus of the breathing systemand the clottin of the blood
  • Your white blood cells help to defend against pathogens by ingesting, making anti-toxins and making anti-bodies
  • Some medicines can treat the symptons but not the pathogens known as painkillers and some kill the pathogens known as antibiotics. Antibiotics only cure bacterial diseases
  • Antibiotic do not destroy viruses because virusesreproduce inside the cells. It is difficult to develop drugs that can destroy the viruses without harming the bodys cells
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