
  • Created by: 13FinchC
  • Created on: 18-10-16 18:44

Total Surface Area of a Cone

Formula > (pi*radius*height)+(pi*radius squared) = C.S.A + area base

Example One

Find the Total Surface Area of a cone, when given the radius of 7 and the height of 12.2


(pi*7*12.2)+(pi*7 squared)=422.230...

422(3 Sig.Fig)

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Curved Surface Area of a Cone

Formula > pi*radius*slant height


Find the C.S.A of a cone with radius of 4.2cm and slant height of 8.3cm. Give your answer to 3.S.F.


C.S.A = pi*r*l = pi*4.2*8.3

= 109.51...


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The Volume of a Cone

Formula > 1/3*pi*radius squared*perpendicular height


Find the volume of a cone of radius 8cm and height 12cm. Give your answer to 3.S.F


(pi*8 squared*12) / 3 =804.247...


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Frustrum of a Cone

Formula > Volume of Large cone- Volume of Small cone.


Find the volume of the frustrum of a cone made when a cone of radius 3cm and height 2cm is cut off the top of a cone of diameter 10cm and height 8cm (3SF) 


Large cone = (pi*5 squared*8) /3 = 209.439...


Small cone = (pi*3 squared*2)/3 = 18.849...

Volume of frustrum = 190.59... = 191 cm3

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