Computer science


Storage and hardware

CPU: The Central Proccesing Unit. It is often known as the "brains" of the computer. It executes instructions/progam. The program gets imformation from an input device and then outputs the program on an output device.

RAM: The random acess memory is temporay storage. Some examples of what is stores are: the opperating system, graphical user interface (GUI) and aplications. All the data the RAM holds is lost when the computer shuts down!

ROM:  The Read Only Memory is storage that can't be touched by user or by program. It is retained when a computer is turned off.

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Computer parts

Hard Drive: The hard drive is a disk that stores large amounts of data and is enclosed in the computer.

Mother Board: The mother board is a large printed circuit board that connects all the different parts of a computer together.

Power Supply: A power supply is a device that supplies electrical energy to a computer.

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Hardware devices

Input Device: An Input Device is a piece of hardware used to provide data to a computer. Some examples include: a keyboard, a mouse and a touch screen.

Output Device: An output device is a peice of hardware to comunicate the outcome of data that has been processed. Some examples include: a monitor, a printer and a speaker.

Storage Device: A storage device is a peice of computer equipment that is used to store data. Some examples include: a USB drive, a hard disk drive and a DVD drive. 

Specialist input and output devices: Specialist input and output devices are used when people have disabilities and wouldn't be able to use normal input and output devices. A foot mouse is an example as it is made specialy for a person who may not be able to use their hands. It is an input device.

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Application Software: Is used to carry out tasks on a computer. Applications that may be used can be clasified in two different catergories: general purpose software and specialised software. Word is an example of general purpose software. "App" is short for application software.

Systems Software: Is used run and keep the computer going. One of the main parts of the Systems Software is the Operating Systems. The Operating System allows the hardware to communicate with the application software. Some examples include: windows 10, Android and IOS.

Cross platform software:Is a peice of software that works with more than one operating system. 

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128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

1     0   1   1  0 0 0 0= 176

0 +0=0 1+0=1 1+1=11   

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Python Functions

Int:Comes from the word integer which means whole number (this function only works with numbers)

 Print: States the information you have told the programme.

Len: For length and tells you the length of your string.

Input:  Is the function used when you want the programme to use a variable or assign a value to something.

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Strings, Integers and Floats

A variable for example x can be treated in python as an integer, a float or a string (these are different data types and they are used to define the variable). When x is a string, you can not do calculations with it as it isn't an integer or a float .  If the variable is a non-decimal number, python will assume it is an integer. If the number is a decimal, python will assign it the data type "float". When you specify the variable inside of quotation marks, it is assigned as a string.You can't use words to define a variable if it isn't inside speech marks.

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If: Is a statement that gives you two options.

Elif: Stands for else and if. It gives you more options; moreover, you can use it as many times as you like.

Else: is the final statement and last option.

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What are Sequence, selection and iteration control

Computer programs use Sequence, selection and iteration to control the flow of the program. These elements allow the program to make choices, change direction or repeat actions.

The most basic algorithm uses sequences to present a list of instructions to be followed one after the other, step by step.

A selection is used to make choices based on information. An algorithm can be made more intelligent by using IF, THEN and ELSE to repeat instructions or move to different parts of the program.

Iteration is the process of repeating sections of a program to achieve a particular target or goal.

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