Common Features of Organisms

  • Created by: Joan Pang
  • Created on: 09-03-15 10:23

Types of Organisms

  • Plants
  • Animals
  • Fungi
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Protoctists
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Features of plants

Plants are multicellular, and their cells contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis, a cell wall, and a permanent vacuole

They store carbohydrates as starch or sucrose.

Examples include flowering plants, maize, peas, beans.

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Features of animals

Animals are multicellular organisms, and their cells do not contain a cell wall, and no chloroplasts

Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen

Animals have nervous coordination and can usually move around. 

Examples include mammals such as humans and sheep, insects, frogs. 

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Features of fungi

Some are multicellular and some are single celled.

Organised into mycelium made from hyphae (a thread like substance)

Their cell walls are made from chitin

They feed by sapotrophic nutrition, which is when digestion enzymes are excreted extracellularly onto food material, and then the organic material is then absorbed.

They can store carbohydrates as glycogen

Examples include yeast (single celled) and Mucor

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Features of bacteria

Microscopic single celled organisms

They have a cell wall and lack a nucleus, but have circular loops of DNA

Some bacteria can perform photosynthesis but most just feed of dead or living organisms.

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Features of protoctists

Microscopic single celled organisms

Some have animal cell features, while other have plant cell features such as chloroplasts.

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Features of viruses

No cellular structure but has a protein coat and contain DNA or RNA

Smaller than bacteria

Are parasitic, and can reproduce only inside living cells

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