
  • Created by: Bealsey
  • Created on: 06-12-22 17:04


Christians believe that god is all-loving. God's actions love is shown through God's action on earth (miracles). God's love allows humans to have eternal life after death in heaven. 

In the good samaritan, the Samaritan comes by and helps the injured man in an act of mercy. 

This influieneces believers because it teaches Chritians to be greatful to god which leads to following the teaching more closely. Also it teaches them to love their own behaviour.

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The belief that god is all powerful, more powerful than anything else possible. 

God creathed the universe - a sign that god is powerful

Gods power is shown through the ressurection of Jesus where it is called the Mighty Strength in the Bible. In raising him from the dead, God shows power over life and death. This shows God's love for Jesus and for humans.

Examples of God being Omnipotent --> The incarnation of Jesus, Healing the blind, Healing 10 lepers, Stopping the storm for his deciples, Turning water to wine and Feeding the 5000.

This influences Christians because if they are in a difficult period, they believe that God will be able to help them through with his power. They also see his power as creating the world, therefore they respect the world as a mark of respect. They also belive that god can fix and do anything.  

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God is Just

This means that God is fair, without any form of bias or under any influence with no agenda. He can do this because he is omniscient and transcendent, so can judge with clarity. This means God hates injustice. God can judge between right and wrong and will administer justice according to his standards. 

This means it influences Christians beause they believe they should be just and fair to everyone just like God is fair to them. They hope for God's mercy and forgiveness. They also belive to live a good life because they know God will be fair on judgement day so they will be able to have enternal life in heaven. 

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The Trinity

Christians believe in 1 God (monotheism) however he can be understood as 3 conceps or 3 people: God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit

The trinity is important because it influences Christians today because it reminds them God created everything so it should be looked after. Also, they believe God is always with them through the presence of the Holy Spirit which is comforting and gives them strength. 

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Evil and Suffering

God knows about evil and suffering and has the capcity and motivation to address it. It still continues so God is not doing this, and is allowing it.

Natural Evil --> Evil that is not intentional. Hurricanes and Toothaches are examples

Moral Evil --> The intentional or inaction of an agent, such as a person. Murder is an example. 

This influences Christians believe because there is evil and suffering they will try to do good (giving to charity). They also belive that they are loved and protected by God even when they are suffering greatly

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Literal Christian - Creation occured exactly how the bible says

Non-Liberal Christian - The bible is a metaphor for how the world was created

Young Earth Creationism --> Earth was created in 6 days around 10,000 years ago, Bothing earth nothing existed except God, God isn't constrained by science - he is beyond human understanding, all forms of life today were created by God

Old Earth Creationism --> Bothing earth nothing existed except God, Earth is as old as scientists say (around 4 billion years). God created the world but its too complex for it to just happen so science explains how this happens. 

This influence Christians because it shoes God's omnipotence, they will not question his ability. Creation provides an answer to where it all began and tells them why too. 

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Original SIn: Adam and Eve were told while in the Garden of Eden to not eat from the trea of knowledge. A snake tempted them to eat the fruit in hope that they would become like God themself. They sinned by eating the fruit so they were punished by God. 

We have decended from A+E so sin and been carried along aswell. SIn separates humans from God therefore Christians would try to obey God

This allows Christians believe that however bad they are, God will never abandon them, and God loves them so they should try to be as good as possible. Also they can pray for God's guidance on how to live their life

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Atonement restores a balance and an opportunity to humans. Atonement removed the barrier between humans and God, so allowing a closeselationship. 

Jesus' sacrifice was atonement for the sins of humans. This lead to reconcilliation with God, removing the barrier. 

This allows Christians to believe that they need to reconcile with people because it will remove the barrier between them and God.

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Salvation is the deliveranceof the soul from sin and its concequences. THis means humans' souls van be saved from eternal punishment

For salvation to happen, God set a process --> Gave gave his only son so that humans could be saved. Jesus was perfect, he had no sin, God placed the sins of the world upon him on his crucifixion. Jesus' actions means that God could reconcile with humans

This allows Christians to believe that regardless of what they can do they can ask for forgiveness and God will never say no. Also they can believe they have faith in God, no one is perfect but God himself

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Incarnation of Jesus

Incarnation means 'In flesh'. If refers to becoming human and living on earth.

Jesus came to earth to save mankind from sin and to amend the relationship between humans and God.

This allows Christians to believe in God's power and will worship him and will not doubt his actions. Also they believe they need to worship at Christmas and Epiphany. 

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The Crucifixion of Jesus

The deatn of Jesus was part of God's plan for salvation. Without his sacrifice, Original SIn could not be ended.

This allows Christians to belive that they need to put others before themself just like Jesus did. They also believe that the crucifixion is linked with the idea of sin and salvation.

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The resurrection of Jesus

Jesus was burried in a tomb and left there as it was the Sabbath.

Jesus then appeared on a number of occastions but people didn't recognise him immediately

This allow Christians to believe that Christian faith can turn lives around and spread the message of God. Also that God is worth all our energy as we will be reunited with him in heaven just like Jesus did

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The ascension of Jesus

Jesus' ascension is at the end of his life when he is taken into heaven, with his spiritual body intact. 

This allows Christians believe that Jesus has proved his divinity and God's power. Also that Jesus is still alive with his followers today in spirit.

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