AS Applied Business, UNIT 4



CAD: Computer Aided Design

CAD: This is using computer softwares, which can show 3D models of a product and can be rotated.


1. Less time consuming to make changes

2. Image can be shown in different angles

3. High speed

4. Quick and easy

5. Accuracy

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1. Expensive

2. End product may not look as good as you thought

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CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing

CAM: This is used for products that need a great deal of accuarcy to make, e.g. computers.


1. Quicker and therefore, less time consuming

2. Save company employees wages (long term)


1. Expensive

2. End product may not look as you had though

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New computer technolgy has affected the ways in which offices work. Writing is made quicker by using Destop Publishing Software and Microsoft Word Processing.

Accounting records cen be kept with Spreadsheet, compaines can communicate with customers with E-mail.

Communication within the company can be achieved by using the Intranet.

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New computer technology has affected the ways in which offices work. Writing is made quicker by using Destop Publising Software and Microsoft Word Processing.

Accounting records can be kept wih Spreadsheet, companies can communicate with customers with e-mails.

Communication within the company can be achieved by using the Intranet.

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