C3 + C4 Differentiation Formulae

3 Main formulae needed for C3 + C4 differentiation


Chain Rule

y = f(u)   [u = g(x)]      "Function of a Function"



dy/dx = dy/du * du/dx

1 of 3

Product Rule

y = uv   [u = f(x), v = g(x)]



dy/dx = udv + vdu

2 of 3

Quotient Rule

y = u/v   [u = f(x), v = g(x)]



dy/dx = (vdu - udv)/(v^2)

3 of 3




Differentiation laws for Core 3 simply written to be learnt.  Would be more helpful if the original function y was written also.

Card 1: Y = f(u)     where u = g(x)  (Function of a function)

Card 2: Y = uv       where u = f(x) and v = g(x)

Card 3: Y = u/v      where u = f(x) and v = g(x)



You're absolutely right and I figured I'd incorporate it. Thank you for the feedback!

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