C1 Early Atmosphere

The modern atmosphere consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% agrgon and 0.04% carbon dioxides. (Not including the small amount of other gases in the atmosphere.)

The easrly atmposphere consisted of mostly carbon dioxide which mostly came from the volcanoes. There was not much oxygen but there was a lot of water vapour. (Yes! Water vapour is gas!!!)


Early Atmosphere Part 1

The modern atmosphere consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% agrgon and 0.04% carbon dioxides. (Not including the small amount of other gases in the atmosphere.)

The easrly atmposphere consisted of mostly carbon dioxide which mostly came from the volcanoes. There was not much oxygen but there was a lot of water vapour. (Yes! Water vapour is gas!!!)

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