Biology B1

Six things that can determine fitness levels?

1) Strength 

2) Stamina


4) Supple

5) Agillity 

6) Cardiovascular effeciency 

  • Created by: Debbie
  • Created on: 28-04-14 18:42

Six things that can determine fitness levels? 1)

 1) Strength

 2) Stamina  


4) Supple

5) Agillity

  6) Cardiovascular effeciency

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What is meant by the term 'disease'?

A state where your body doesnt function as well as it should.

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What things can increase your risk of developing H

High level of saturated fat, leads to an accumilation of cholesterol in your arteries.

Also, high levels of salt intake

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What is systolic and diastolic pressure?

SYSTOLIC: Top number, when the heart is contracting.

DIASTOLIC: Bottom number, when the heart is relaxing. 

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What factors can increase your risk of having High

1) Smoking

2) Stress

3) Overweight 

4) Drinking alcohol

5) Saturated fat

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What can be the effects of having High Blood Press

Damage to the kidneys and stroke can occur.

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What can be the effects of having Low Blood Pressu

1)  Dizziness

2) Fainting

3) Poor circulation

4) Organ Faluire 

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How does smoking increase your bloody pressure?

The Carbon Monoxide (CO) combines with haemaglobin in the red blood cels and prevents them from carrying as much oxygen it needs. Therefore, there would be a strain on the heart. The Nicotine also increases the heart rate

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How does saturated fat increase your blood pressur

The Liver makes the cholesterol from the saturated fat. Cholesterol is carried in the blood and it may be deposited in the artery walls and cause plaque. It accumilates and narrows the arteries and restricts the blood flow, leading to an increased blood pressure. 

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Explain the term 'thrombosis' and its effects?

It is a blood clot caused by cholesterol in the arteries. Sometimes it may clot so much and cause a stroke. 

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What is a 'balanced diet'?

A balanced diet contains the right amount of different foods groups and right amount of energy to keep you healthy.

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What are carboyhydrates made of what do they provi

Used for long  term energy and they are made up of cellulose, starch and sugars.

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What are fats made of and why are they useful?

Fats are made up of fatty acids and glyecerol for short term energy. They are stored under the skin and around organs. Stored as adipose.

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What are proteins made up of

they are made up of amino acids

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Why is iron required in our diet?

To make haemoglobin in the red blood cells

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Why is fibre needed in our diet?

To prevent constipation

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Why might some people not eat a balanced diet?



medical reasons



or personal choice

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What is the difference between first class and sec

First class: fish and meat produce, essential for growth

Second: amino acids.

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What are the ranges for the BMI scale?

Underweight:less than 20


Overweight: 25-30

Obese: more than 30

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What is EAR and how to calculate it?

Estimated Average Requirements

EAR(g)=0.6*body mass(kg)

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Where is glucose stored?

In the Liver, as glycogen as a source of fuel.

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Where are fats stored?

Under the skin around the organs as Adipose. 

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What are proteins used for?

Growth and repair.

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What is vitamin C and why is it required in the bo

Its used in the body to build up and help the immune system and prevent scurvy.

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Why do we need to consume water?

To prevent dehydration, replacing the water lost as tears, urine and feaces.

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What happens if you dodnt eat enough proteins?

You dont develop properly and may get kwashikor.

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How can you calculate BMI?

BMI=Mass in kg/(height)mm2

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What are the health risks of being obese?

Heart disease



Breast Cancer.

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