Basic Algebra



Algebra involves the use of letters in mathematics. These letters are unknowns and can represent either a single unknown number or a range of unknown numbers

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Sometimes algebraic expressions can be simplified – this means that we collect all the similar terms together. We would never say in conversation “I have 3 apples plus 2 apples”. Instead we would say, “I have 5 apples”. Similarly in algebra we can say:

3 {a} + 2 {a} = 5 {a}

However, if I had 5 bananas and 2 apples, it would be impossible to write this in a simpler way.

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In algebra:

5 {b} + 2 {a} = 5 {b} + 2 {a}

This cannot be written in a simpler way. When simplifying using addition or subtraction, it is helpful to think of different letters as being completely different things – much like bananas and apples. It is important to note that 5 {b} means '5 lots of {b}' or '5 × {b}'.

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Here are some more examples of how we can simplify:

7 {b} - 4 {b} = 3 {b}

12 {b} + 4 - 3 {b} = 4 + 9 {b}

2 {z} + 3 {y} - 7 {z} + 6 {y} = 9 {y} - 5 {z}

3 {ab} + 2 {a} + 7 = 7 + 3 {ab} + 2 {a}

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    • There are four things to note about the above examples:
  • the sign (+ or -) belongs to the term that comes after it.
  • when giving our simplified answer we always give it in alphabetical order
  • a term containing, for example {ab}, cannot be added to terms with an {a} or terms with a {b} but must instead be kept separate
  • numbers on their own cannot be added to terms containing a letter
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