B10 - The Human Nervous system.


B10 - The Human Nervous system.

B10 - The Human Nervous system.

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B10.1 - Principles of homeostasis.

  • regulation of the internal conditions of a cell or organism to maintain conditions for function, in response to internal and external conditions.
  • Important for maintaining conditions for enzyme acttions and cell functions. 
  • human homeostasis controls blood glucose levels, temperature and water levels.
  • automatic control systems - nervous or chemical responses
  • all conrol systems - receptors, coordination cnetres, effectors.
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B10.2 - Sructure and functions of nervous system.

  • Electrical impulses - react quickly to surroundings and coordinate behaviour. 
  • Receptors - detect chnages in the environment
  • Impulses from receptors along sensory nuerones to brain or spine.
  • The brain coordinates response and impulses r sent along the motor nuerones.
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Image result for sensory nuerone  (http://cnx.org/resources/e1f6ad7143ffa271325c9527c1b4d3d26d8d903c/neurons4_with_labels.jpg)

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B10.3 - Reflex actions.

  • Automatic and rapid and dont involve concious brain parts.
  • sensory,relay and motor nuerones. 
  • control everyday bodily functions - breathing, digestion and help avoid danger.
  • stimulus - receptor - sensory nuerone - relay nuerone - motor nuerone - effector - response
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Reece Dilloo


i cant print it it goes to a white page

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