

Attachment Theory

   Attachment Theory - BOWLBY

A young child needs to develop a relationship with at least one primary caregiver for social and emotional development to occur normally. 

Infant behaviour associated with attachment is primarily the seeking of proximity to an attachment figure in stressful situations; the caregiver. Infants become attached to adults who are sensitive and remain consistant caregivers for some months during the period from about 6 months to two years. 

Children begin to use attachment figures as a secure base to explore and return to.

Parental responces lead to internal working models which will guide the individuals feelings, thoughts and expectations in later relationships.

Separtation anxiety or grief following the loss of an attachment figure is considered to be a normal and adaptive responce for an attached child. 

These behaviours may have evolved because they increase the probability of survival of the child. 

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Day care- Aggression

Agression- NICHD


To see the impacts of day care on aggression. Longitudinal study conducted on 1000 children aged 5, from diverse families from diverse locations. Found that the more time spent in child day care, the more assertive and aggressive the child would be. They also found that the child 3x more likely to show behavioural problems


- Cannot establish cause and effect

EPPE= positive correlation with time spent in daycare and behavioural problems... high quality care lowers aggression.

Improved daycare= Low child to staff ratio and low staff turn over.

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Day care- Peer relations

Peer relations

A01- Affect of daycare on peer relations. Longitudinal study conducted on 150 children. Their behaviour was compared at home and in day care. They found that daycare lead to children being more advanced in social development than children who stayed at home. It was also suggested that daycare children had more friends at primary school.


Day care is not the soul influence on social development

A child may be shy... cant establish cause and effect

Doesn't take siblings into account. 

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