Anaerobic Respiration



Happens in the absence of O2, meaning only glycolysis happens (so krebs cycle and ETC can't take place)

For Glycolysis to continue, pyruvate and hydrogen constantly have to be removed

Hydrogen must be released from reduced NAD to regenerte NAD

Pyruvate accepts the relased O2

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Anaerobic Respiration in Plants and Microorganisms

Takes place in bacteria/fungi and cells of plants (root cells in water logged conditions)

Pyruvate molecole at the end of gylcolysis loses a molecule of CO2 and accepts hydrogen from reduced NAD to produce ethanol

Used by humans for brewing

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Anaerobic Respiration in Animals

Occurs in as a means of overcoming a tempory shortage of O2

Lactate production occurs most commonly in muscles as a result of strenous exercise as 02 is used up more rapidly than be supplied and O2 dept occurs

Each pyruvate molecule produced takes up 2 hydrogen atoms from reduced NAD produced in glycolysis to form lactate

Lactate produced needs to be oxidised back into pyruvate

This can be futher oxidised to realse more energy or converted in glycogen (occurs when O2 is available again

Build up lactate in muscle tissue causes cramp/ muscle fatigue

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Energy Yeilds from Anaerobic Respiration

Pyruvate convered into ethanol/ lactate

Only ATP produced is from glycolysis

Amount very small compared to aerobic respiration

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