Transportation Systems in Plants

The earth's natural environment is home to millions of species of animals and plants, all made up of cells. But how do plants provide their cells with nutrients? Just like animals, plants rely on complex transport systems. These are systems that can efficiently distribute materials from soil and leaves to the parts of the plant where they are needed. This program from VEA explores why many multicellular plants have specialised internal transport systems, while looking at what a transport system is, how plants get their nutrition, and the structure and function of root hairs. Separate transport systems of the xylem and phloem are also discussed. Chapters: 1. Introduction 2. What is a Transport System? 3. How do Plants get their Nutrient? 4. Root Hairs 5. Xylem Transport 6. Phloem Transport 7. Conclusion To find out more about Transportation Systems in Plants visit: TRANS11

  • Created by: tanzila
  • Created on: 29-12-12 15:22


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