The 6 Realms of Samsara as Friends

A useful way to remember the 6 realms if you're a fan of the sitcom Friends!

Here is my reasoning:

RACHEL- The Heaven Realm- her pampered childhood was what ultimately led to her breakdown after leaving Barry at the altar and realising she had no clue about adult life

CHANDLER- The Titan Realm- his inner conflicts all seem to stem from when his parents divorced, but his wisdom and wit are what keeps him going

MONICA- The Hungry Ghost Realm- nothing seems to satisfy her no matter how much food she ate as a kid, and later on, how much she was obsessed with cleaning/tidying/organisation

ROSS- The Hell Realm- constantly tormented by numerous events which occur as a result of his never-ending dissatisfaction 

JOEY- The Animal Realm- if someone asks you "which is more important, food or sex" and you reply back "I want girls on bread," shouldn't it be obvious which realm you're in?

PHOEBE- The Human Realm- having experienced severe poverty as a child but never giving up hope and leading a spiritual based life, Phoebe is the ideal character to achieve nibbana



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