German Topic Vocab Revision Cards - So Lebt Die Jugend (Part 2)

I'd advise printing off the pictures or something. The translations aren't on the cards so I could test myself but I've written them underneath.


green - neutral noun

pink - feminine noun

blue - masculine noun

etw. - something

jdn/jdm - someone

(+DAT) - verb followed by the dative case

(+AKK) - verb followed by the accusative case

(+GEN) - verb followed by the genitive case

sich anpassen - to fit in/to conform

die Geschmäcker sind verschieden - tastes differ

behindert - disabled

das Aussehen - appearance

obdachlos - homeless

empfindlich - sensitive

der Eindruck - impression

gelähmt - paralysed

der Trend - trend

pingelig - fussy

modisch/altmodisch - fashionable/unfashionable

modern/unmodern - modern/old

tragen (trägt, trug, hat getragen) - to wear/to carry

anhaben (hat, hatte, hat angehabt) - to wear

sich für etw interessieren - to be interested in something

kaufen - to buy



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