German Topic Vocab Revision Cards - Familie (Part 4)

I'd advise printing off the pictures or something. The translations aren't on the cards so I could test myself but I've written them underneath.


green - neutral noun

pink - feminine noun

blue - masculine noun

etw. - something

jdn/jdm - someone

(+DAT) - verb followed by the dative case

(+AKK) - verb followed by the accusative case

(+GEN) - verb followed by the genitive case

Translations (clockwise)

höflich/unhöflich - polite/impolite

geduldig/ungeduldig - patient/impatient

sich verhalten - to behave

das Verhalten - behaviour

sich benehmen (benimmt, benahm, hat benommen) - to act

die Rücksicht - consideration

freundlich/unfreundlich - friendly/unfriendly

anständig/unanständig - respectable/not respectable

reif/unreif - mature/immature

vernünftig/unvernünftug - sensible/not sensible

sympatisch/unsympatisch - sympathetic/unsympathetic



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