via negativa pros and cons


via negativa pros and cons


  • gives deepr understanding of god without limiting him to human experience
  • is literal: interpretation isnt needed unlike symbolism or analogies
  • we dont refer god to our physical world
  • no reading between the lines: applicable to all cultures and time periods


  • "incorporeal, transcendant" is similar to the desciption of nothingness- death of a thoasand, qualifications
  • process of eliminniation gives no added information to someone that hasnt experienced god at all e.g. white is the ooposite of black
  • holy scripture asserts god with positive terms such a sshepard and king in the right context we can assert positively about god
  • using process of elimination can be misleading: a ship could be processed to be a wardrobe of a coffin


  • Used for understanding God
  • when communicating to one another about god


  • miundertsanding god
  • not sdding any description to ones knowledge
  • useless


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