Types of Long-term Memory


Types of Long-term Memory


  • Case of HM: Episodic memory (remembering events in his life) was severely impaired due to amnesia. Semantic memories and procedural memories were relatively unaffected. Supports that there are different stored in the LTM.
  • Neuroimaging evidence: Tulving et al. (1994) found that episodic memories were recalled from the right prefrontal crotex and semantic memories were recalled from the left prefrontal cortex. Shows that there are even physical differences between LTM stores.
  • Real-life applications: Belleville et al. (2006) used the idea of different long-term memory stores to treat older people wild mild cognitive impairments. The trained participants performed better in an apisodic memory test than the control group. This can be used to better people's lives.


  • Cohen and Squire (1980) dusagree. They accept that procedural memories represent one type of LTM, but believe that episodic and semantic memories are stores in one stpre called the declarative memory - memories that can be consciously recalled. procedural memories are non-declaritive.



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