The Weimar Republic




1919-1923 - Difficult Beginnings 

Getting StartedGetting StartedGetting StartedGetting Started

1919 - Ineffective Constitution

1919 - Left Wing Attacks

1920 - Right Wing Attacks

1923 - The Ruhr and Inflation

1923 - The Munich Putsch

1924-1928 - Streseman and the Golden Years

1924 - Dealing with the Ruhr

1925 - Locarno Treaty

1926 - The League of Nations

1927 - Employment and Industry

1928 - Kellogg-Briand Pact

Problems during the Golden Years

1929 - 1932 - Depression and the Rise of Hitler

1929 - The Wall Street Crash

The Nazis and General Elections - 1930, July 1932, November 1932 and March 1933


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