The Yalta Conference (February 1945)


The Yalta Conference (February 1945)


  • Churchill wanted to ensure the survival of the British Empire; however, he also saw the USSR as a danger to the West that had to be stopped. This was because as the USSR was pushing the Germans back into Western Europe, it was gaining control of countries such as Poland and Hungary.
  • Stalin sought the creation of a buffer zone between Western Europe and the USSR as a way of protecting the USSR from attack through the establishment of communist governments in Eastern European countries
  • Roosevelt was not so keen on a revival of the British Empire. He sought the creation of a free world protected by the United Nations. He wanted the USSR to join the UN and were prepared to work with Stalin to ensure this.


  • Germany and Berlin were each to be divided into four zones, to be occupied by the armies of Britain, France, the USA and the USSR. (As Berlin was located over 100 miles inside the Soviet zone, this meant the Allies had to travel through the Soviet area to get to the city.)
  • Germany would pay reparations.
  • The United Nations would be established to keep peace.
  • The USSR would declare war on Japan in August, three months after Germany's surrender
  • There would be new borders for Poland (although no agreement was reached on the type of government that Poland would have)
  • Eastern Europe would come under the influence of the USSR. However, it was also agreed that there would be democratic elections in these countries to allow the people of Eastern Europe to choose their own governments.

Overall summary


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