Strengths and Weaknesses of Behavioural Approach

Strengths and Weaknesses of Behavioural Approach

  • Created by: Charlotte
  • Created on: 02-04-13 14:56

Strengths and Weaknesses of Behavioural Approach


  • It has successfully applied classical and operant conditioning to its theories. Systematic desensitisation is based on classical conditioning and is useful for treating phobias.
  • Uses scientific methods of research because the experiments are objective, measurable and observable. An example of this is Bandura's bobo doll study of aggression..


  • Focuses too much on the 'nurture' side of the nature/nurture debate. It suggests that all behaviour is learned but cognitive and biological elements have been proved to affect behaviour.
  • Ethical issues raised by using animals in experiments. This is because animals can not consent to take part and are unable to withdraw. An example of a behaviourist animal study is Pavlov's dogs which led to classical conditioning principles being developed.


Looks at environment which appears to have a strong effect on mental illnesses but it could also be down to biological reasons (e.g. family: one member has a mental illness another family member gets one this could be down to environment or because of the illness running through family) Is not clear cut which one it is down to (either biological/behaviourism)


Ibrahim - Team GR


Has alot of depth and answers the evaluative question well. Could have added case studies to link as examples but still a 4/5! Well Done! 



Bandura's Bobo Doll was a social learning theory, but otherwise correct!