Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and Adlestrop

comparison of two poems in preparation for a tracking essay


Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and Adlestrop


  • Both are travellers who stop briefly.
  • Both are based on isolated environments
  • Both use sound imagery to emphasise the silence
  • Both have four stanzas-16 lines
  • Both have the image of distance to travel
  • Both use simplistic language
  • Both observe nature
  • Both use onomatopoeia
  • In both poems images are the key to the true theme
  • Both speakers are contemplating life


  • Stopping By Woods-
  • Longest evening of the year
  • Imagery of isolation-woods
  • The speaker is forced to keep going due to responsibilities
  • Rhyme/ Rhythm
  • Present tence
  • Heavy symbolism
  • Negative contemplating
  • Adlestrop-
  • Longest day of the year
  • Positive up lifting imagery
  • Colourful imagery
  • Rhyme/ Rhythm
  • Past tence
  • Less symbolism
  • Positive Contemplating

Overall comparison

Both speakers in these poems are thinking about 


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