Soft Engineering

  • Created by: HLeiper
  • Created on: 07-04-14 09:50

Soft Engineering


  • Beach Nourishment - sand and shingle from elsewhere creates wider beaches slowing down waves
  • Dune Regeneration - creating and restoring sand dunes provides a barrier between land and sea, wave energy is absorbed and stabilisation is cheap
  • Marsh Creation - planting vegetation stabilises mud flats and reduces the speed of the wave. It creates new habitats for organisms
  • Managed Retreat - removing existing defence flooding the land to create a marsh land which reduces flooding of land and is fairly cheap


  • Beach Nourishment - Can kill other wildlife, very expensive and has to be repeated
  • Dune regeneration - limited to small areas and nourishment is expensive
  • Marsh Creation - Isn't useful where erosion rates are high because marsh can't establish itself. It's fairly expensive
  • Managed Retreat - people disagree with what land is allowed to flood



tom moreton


what a nifty piece of kit.