Simon from Lord Of The Flies

  • Created by: mchale
  • Created on: 24-10-19 15:43


Quotes to support

  • Each character within the book represents a force which gives Golding higher power to portray the actions of each force and how these different forces interact. Simons character is the embodiment of nature and spiritual human goodness.
  • Whereas the other boys stand along a spectrum of civilisation, Simon acts morally from his own goodwill and his inherent belief in morality.
  • Because of his secret place in the jungle, the other boys find him odd and talk about how he is different from them. This makes him not as accepted or perceived differently despite being from Jacks choir boys originally.
  • "Itself a silver shape beneath the steadfast constellations"- this is what is described upon Simons death. This is so important as it adds that Simon is naturally good and light protrudes from him even at the moment of death due to his natural, spiritual goodness.
  • "You knew didn't you? I'm part of you!" This is what is said by the Lord of The Flies to Simon during a hallucination. It shows that Simon understands the primitive evil within each human.
  • "You'll get back all right. I think so anyways". Simon says this to Ralph near the end of the novel to comfort him. Notice that it is rather ominous as he doesn't mention that he thinks they will both get back but rather just Ralph and even then he is unsure. Perhaps he expects to die.

Frueds Theory

Other information              

  • A philosopher called Frued has a theory of the human condition that consists of 'id' (the inner core of the being hidden by the expectations of civilisation), ego (this is mainly shown by Ralph and is the characteristics taught by civilisations but are adapted depending on the situation present) and superego (where the beliefs of civilsation are kept with no change that is dependant on the situation).
  • Simon seems to exceed this human condition because of his spiritual force of nature that is naturally good and cannot be characterised.




This was very helpful thank you so much 

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