Myth strengths and weaknesses

  • Created by: Abena
  • Created on: 04-06-13 13:02

Myth strengths and weaknesses


  • A myth is like a symbol in that it points to objective truths and often to a higher reality
  • give a deep and meaningful view of God as creator
  • if biblical stories are viewed in a mythical sense, they cannot require scientific or historical evidence
  • Avoids the criticisms of Ayer and  Flew
  • Bultmann argues that it is only by understanding religious language in a mythological sense that modern believer will be able to square their scientific understanding of the world with miraculous events in the bible
  • when the bible was written, myths were a common means of conveying meaning


  • how do we know which myths a communicating an objective truth?
  • how can we be sure that we are understanding the right truth? (e.g. stewardship vs. dominion)
  • if there is a truth to be  expressed, it should able to be expressed directly
  • understanding the bible as a myth goes against how many people understand the bible (i.e. communcating literal truths)
  • it is disagreement over literal truths that separate religions (didi Jesus rise from the dead?)
  • how can we distinguish between a ficional story and a myth?
  • interpretation will depend in the individual



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