Munich Putsch, 1923

  • Created by: katerobin
  • Created on: 26-05-19 12:44

Munich Putsch, 1923


  • Hyperinflation: the country blamed the government for the disaster and Hitler believed this provided an opportunity to strike
  • A hatred for the Weimar Republic and democracy
  • The Nazi Party wanted to undo the Treaty of Versailles; due to reparations, loss of colonies etc
  • The success of Mussolini's Fascists in Italy
  • Growth of the Nazi Party
  • Hitler had the support of General Ludendorff, who was an extremely popular figure.
  • Hitler thought he had lots of support in Munich and Bavaria


  • Sixteen Nazis, and four police officers died
  • Hitler and Ludendorff were arrested
  • The Nazi Party was banned
  • Hitler was put on trial for treason. He received a five year sentence - the minimum sentence - but only served nine months
  • Hitler won support from important nationalists and leaders of big business due to his publicised trials
  • He denied the charge of treason and criticised the November Criminals, plus the Treaty of Versailles.
  • He write Mein Kampf while in Landsberg Prison
  • Hitler realised he had to be the strong leader to make Germany great again, and that he could not rely on others
  • He also understood the Nazi Party had to win power through legal means - winning elections

Overall summary

The Munich Putsch was the Nazi attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government. However, following the instability of Germany due to prior uprisings, the people did not want to protest again. Even though Hitler was imprisoned and the Party banned, this allowed the reorganisation of the Nazi Party and prepared them for their future success.


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