Multi-Store Model

Evaluation for extended answers

  • Created by: Becky
  • Created on: 22-01-13 17:19

Multi-Store Model


  • People suffering from brain damage display evidence that STM and LTM are separate stores when they lose one but not the other
  • Studies do seem to support it, for example Terry's Study seems to suggest the two stores are separate.


  • The theory ignores individual differences, not everybody's memory is the same. For example, some may have a larger STM capacity than others. The theory does not explain this.
  • The theory places too much emphasis on rehearsal for LTM, but some is remembered without rehearsal for example childhood memories
  • The theory is an over simplistic view of the complex memory system, some people argue that the STM has sub-systems to deal with sound and visual information separately.
  • It cannot explain flashbulb memories where accurate, long lasting memories are formed without rehearsal


The Multi-Store Model is an example of an information processing model, meaning that information is processed in stages.  In the Multi-Store Model every single thing around you goes into your sensory memory, it is input and then encoded. Then the bits of information which you pay attention to are transferred to your STM and then if it is rehearsed there then it is transfers to the LTM. If it is not rehearsed then it is output and will be forgotten. Once information is in the LTM if you want to use it then you need to retrieve it, however you do not retrieve the original memory trace more a copy of it so that if it isn't rehearsed then the original is still in the LTM.
STM-7+/- Items at a time for 0-30 seconds if not rehearsed LTM-Unlimited capacity and unlimited duration




Clear and self-explanatory strengths and weaknesses of the MSM - very handy for GCSE and A Level Psychology students alike!



still helpful at a level ;)






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