



  • Focused on the effects of capitalism.
  • Society's economic system (the infrastructure) influenced its non-economic institutions (the superstructure)
  • Most important force in society is class conflict
  • Believed that society was divided into two classes
  • The Bourgeoisie were the ruling class -they were the minority but had all the money and power
  • The Proletariat were the working class - they formed the majority of society but had little of no power


  • Functionalists say Marx put too much emphasis on the role of economic structures in shaping ideas and beliefs
  • Interactionists say he placed too much emphasis on class and not enough on individuals
  • Postmodernists say social class doesn't have such an important influence on individual identity any more


  • The superstructure determined the society's beliefs and values
  • Workers are employed to produce goods which are sold by their employers at a profit.
  • Only a bit of this money end up in the workers' wages - most of it's kept by the employer.
  • If workers were allowed to notice the unfairness of this, they'd revolt.
  • To avoid revolution, the capitalist system shapes the superstructure to make sure the workers accept their lot in life
  • Institutions like the family, education and religion are part of the superstructure. They lead individuals into accepting the inequalities of capitalism.
  • Neo-marxism is a 20th century version, developed to be more relevant to the modern world.
  • Neo-Marxists focus on ideology. They study how this ideology is communicated and enforced by the ruling class to maintain its power.


  • Postmodernists say people are defined by the choices they make, not by whether they're a worker of a boss.


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