
  • Created by: Jade1811
  • Created on: 09-11-17 21:01

Act 1 Scene 5

Act 1 Scene 3

  • Macbeth knows that he's talking to witches "they have more in them than mortal knowledge"
  • He consumes everything and wants to know more "i burned in desire to question them further"
  • He is left to think and wonder about what's happened and left him wanting more information.  He then did the same to Lady Macbeth by writing her the otter.  "they made themselves air, into which they vanished"
  • First person to use the word "murder"
  • "whose horrid image" suggests that he knows it's unnatural thinking and has unnerved him
  • He's already used to lying "my dull brain was wrought with things forgotten"
  • He doesn't know how to get rid of his thoughts

Act 1 Scene 4

Other information              

  • This title isn't meant for Macbeth, it isn't written in the stars "stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires"


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