Lady Macduff




  • stereotypical woman
  • loving
  • caring
  • protective of her children
  • motherly
  • dependent on her husband
  • acts as a foil for lady macbeth
  • antithesis of lady macbeth to show the contrast between the two very different women and show how unstereotypical lady macbeth is
  • show how stereotypical lady macbeth is
  • show the extent of macbeths malice - he has delved so deep into evil he is not only killing people to achieve his ambitions but now for no reason, more immoral
  • deepens macduff's desire to kill macbeth
  • shows macbeth no longer has to be persuaded by his wife

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • 'how will you live?'
  • stage direction 'crying' shows weakness and stereotypical feminine characteristics
  • 'to leave his wife and babes' shows shes annoyed with macduff for leaving her and her children because shes so dependent on him and needs support from him




very helpful ;)

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