Is the UK constitution evolving into a legal constitution?


Is the UK constitution evolving into a l

CausesGetting StartedGetting Started

  • Devolutions
  • The Human Rights Act 1998
  • Constitutional Reform Act 2005
  • European Union
  • Downgraded Parliamentary sovereignty


  • Transfer of power from England to Wales and Scotland.
  • Section 6 makes it unlawful for public authorities to go against Convention rights.

Overall summary

Political constitution: those exercising power are held to account primarily through political processes (e.g. ministerial responsibility) and in political institutions (e.g. Parliament). Legal constitution: those exercising power are held to account to a substantial and increasing extent via legal process (e.g. judicial review) and in judicial institutions (e.g. the courts). Constitutional monarchy: Monarchy as the head of state within the parameters of the constitution (as opposed to an absolute monarchy in which the monarch is not bound by the constitution). 


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