Hazard hotspot California

  • Created by: Jaylea
  • Created on: 09-05-16 21:22

Hazard hotspot California


  • 6% of the population lives on a floodplain
  • located on a 'swarm' of fault lines that run north-south along the coast
  • millions live on active faultlines such as the san andreas fault
  • pople live in moutanous and risky areas
  • rapid population growth
  • potentially active volcanoes in the cascades range
  • coatline vulnerable to tsunamis
  • liable to flash floods and landslides
  • wildfires are caused by hot temperature


  • 1994 nothridge earthquake: happened in LA, killed 72, cost of $12 billion
  • 1964 Alakskian tsunami:9.2 magnitude, 119 killed, cost of $300-400 million
  • Napa county wildfire 2007: 3800 acres burnt, 2 houses and 7 building destroyed including a school
  • Hurricane katrina 2005: catergory 5, 1836 confirmed dead, cost $81.2 billion

Overall summary

A grown gpopulation deciding to live in risky areas is making california more vulnerable. and the amount of management put in place is also giving locals a low risk perception. However in most cases these management stratgies help. 


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