
  • Created by: Sumayah
  • Created on: 03-09-16 22:50

Characters in Hamlet


  • Ophelia
  • Claudius
  • Polonius
  • Laertes
  • Yorick
  • Fortinbras
  • Horatio
  • Gertrude
  • Hamlet
  • Ghost of Hamlet's father
  • Guildenstern
  • Voltimand
  • Osric
  • Rosencrantz
  • Two Gravediggers
  • First player (King)
  • Player Queen
  • Lucianus
  • Marcellus
  • Cornelius
  • Captain
  • Reynaldo
  • Francisco
  • Bernando
  • Priest
  • Prince Hamlet is summoned home to Denmark from school in Germany to attend his father's funeral and he finds out that his mother Gertrude has remarried to Claudius (Hamlet's uncle and dead King's brother)
  • Hamlet also just realised that Claudius has had himself crowned King despite Hamlet being next in line for the throne
  • The dead King's ghost appears at the castle and complains to Hamlet that he cant rest in peace because he was murdered by Claudius who poured poison in King Hamlet's ear whilst sleeping
  • The dead King must stay in purgatory and walk the Earth by night, however Hamlet isn't convinced by the ghost or his stories and believes that the ghost is sent by the devil
  • Hamlet decides to test the Ghost's sincerity by gaining help from people who will perform a play called 'The Murder of Gonzago'
  • Hamlet adds scenes that recreate the murder the Ghost described and calls the play 'The Mousetrap' which becomes successful as Hamlet wanted to make Claudius see the play in order to make him uncomfortable and now Hamlet is convinced that Claudius is a villain
  • In his attempt to kill Claudius, Hamlet causes six other deaths
  • The first was Polonius who was stabbed by Hamlet for spying on him which led to Hamlet being exiled to England by Claudius. Claudius assigns Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Hamlet's friends) to spy on him in England where he will be executed, but when Hamlet discovers their plan, he arranges for the hanging of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. After this, Ophelia discovers her fathers death and drowns herself bemoaning the fate of a spurned lover. Her brother, Laertes is next to die
  • He returns to Denmark from France to avenge his father and sister so vows to punish Hamlet for her death
  • Laertes plots with Claudius
  • Whilst in a sword fight, Laertes drops his poisoned sword and Hamlet cuts him but Hamlet has also been cut by the sword so both Laertes and Hamlet don't have much time left
  • Horatio diverts Hamlet's attention to point out that 'The Queen Falls'
  • Gertrude is killed when toasting to her son on Laertes death, but she drinks from the poisoned cup which was set up by Claudius
  • Hamlet stabs Claudius and pours the last of the poisoned drink into the King's throat but before they die, Hamlet has asked for Prince Fortinbras of Norway to become King of Denmark
  • King Fortinbras orders a funeral for the slain Prince Hamlet

Different versions of Hamlet

Done by:

  • The original Hamlet was published before Shakespeare's death
  • The 2nd edition of Hamlet is referred to as the 'bad quarto' which is a version of a characters memory of the play. it is different because the sequence of actions and the length of speeches are more detailed


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