Evaluate the usefulness of the Boston Matrix as a decision making tool within an organisation. (20 marks)

  • Created by: yhtammy
  • Created on: 23-11-16 20:55

Evaluate the usefulness of the Boston Matrix as a decision making tool within an organisation. (20 marks)


  • Can allow managers within the firm to see the balance of products within each quadrant so that an overall balance can be maintained
  • Can help with decisions about introducing new products or, as in this case, whether to invest heavily
  • Can assist managers in making decisions about which products to withdraw from the market
  • Managers can track how competitors are doing in the ladder market against the firm
  • Allows managers to see the future cash flow implications of the firm’s product portfolio
  • Visual technique makes understanding easier


  • Requires considerable amount of resources and expertise within the firm to carry out analysis
  • Difficult to get the timing of decisions right in practice
  • Ignores qualitative data such as the demotivating effect on employees of having to undertake further training
  • Can be difficult to place each product on the grid accurately
  • Does not give managers in the firm any guidance about what a satisfactory payback cut off point should be



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