"Cozy Apologia" (Rita Dove) - vs - "Valentine" (Carol Ann Duffy)

  • Created by: maddy_may
  • Created on: 11-08-17 17:09

"Cozy Apologia" (Rita Dove) - vs - "Valentine" (Carol Ann Duffy)


  • Both of the poems use domestic objects to portray love. "Valentine" uses an extended metaphor of a domestic onion to express love. "I give you an onion". In the poem "Cozy Apologia" Dove states that she "could pick anything and think of you" (referring to her husband). Their love is further reinforced by domestic objects when she talks about "twin desks, computers, hardwood floors". The poems could both use domestic objects because both of the poets want to defend their relationship and want others to accept their relationships.
  • The poems are written in first person from a female perspective, the use of first person shows that the poems are intimate, as they refer to the poets relationship. Both of the poems are contampery love poems.
  • Both of the poets have relationships that could be viewed as untraditional, as Dove is in a mixed marriage and Duffy is a lesbian. This could alter there views of love and ,therefore influence their poems.
  • The poems both imply that society should spend more time to think about their relationships and loved ones. Dove infers that the current "Post-post modern" society is too busy and we should take time to think about the things we love, as she was forced to do because of Hurricane Floyd. "Valentine" also suggests that people are to quick to buy thoughtless gifts instead of getting something with a sentimental value for our loved ones.


  • "Cozy Apologia" idealises love through the use of cliches, this may be because of society disapproving of Dove's mixed race relationship with her husband. To prove that there relationship is "ordinary" the uses cliches and fairytales, which can be seen when she compares her husband to a knight, describing him to be "standing in silver stirrups" with his "chainmail glinting".
  • On the other hand, "Valentine" shows a view of love that is against cliches. the post infers that cliche gifts like "roses" and "satin hearts" are thoughtless, she even stresses this message by placing the line "Not a cute card or a kissogram"in a stanza on its own. Instead, Duffy shows a more truthful representation of love that explores the positives and negatives, as it reveals the pain that love can cause, even suggesting that love can "blind you with tears".
  • The poems structures are very different, "valentine" is written in free verse. The lines and stanza length vary, which could reflect how her relationship can be seen as unconventional. However, it might refer to the truth that love is unpredictable and erratic.In addition, the short lines could be placed to infer anger, which is further reinforced through the use of imperatives. Moreover,a lot of the lines are end-stopped, which might also show an angry or possessive side of love ("Lethal.").
  • Whereas, the structure of "Cozy Apologia"echoes the romantics formal structure and uses enjambment to show the poets flow of thoughts. Dove may have used a traditional structure because she wants to prove that her marriage is "ordinary" and that they "are content" together.

Overall comparison


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