

When the play is set

20th Century rebellion

  • Set in 1912 BUT written in 1945, after 2 wars, Great Depression and the sinking of Titanic
  • Pre-war Britain
  • Strong class system and capitalist society
  • Only the upper classes really benefited from this system
  • At the start of the 20th century, people began to rebel against capitalist society
  • Wanted a more fair and equal society
  • Strikes took place in protest - like the one Eva Smith organises
  • In the 1920s - 30s, the Great Depression hit - huge economic problems - like the ones Mr Birling predicts will never happen

Socialism in the play

Priestley's ideas

  • Mr Birling is made to look like an idiot - upper classes portrayed as idiots - becuase of his obsession with capitalism
  • Priestley uses dramatic irony to make him look foolish
  • E.G. Birling says there will never be a World War and that the Titanic would never sink
  • The story of Eva Smith shows how selfish, capitalist attitudes can hurt individuals like her
  • Priestley was a Socialist, his beliefs were:
  • Tax the wealthy more to fund a welfare state
  • Wealthy had a duty to look after the poor
  • Class system should  be ended


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