Compare and Contrast the Cognitive and the Behavioural approaches

Cognitive and Behaviour appraoches- Compare and Contrast


Compare and Contrast the Cognitive and the Behavioural approaches

SimilaritiesGetting StartedGetting Started

  • REDUCTIONIST: Cognitive approach, Computer analogy oversimplifies mind; ignores social, motivational and emotional factors. The behaviourist approach ignores mental and emotional life, also ignores biology (genetics and biochemistry)
  • DETERMINISTIC: In the cognitive approach schemas are learnt (environmental determinism) the idea that the mind is like a computer does not take account of free will. The behaviourist approach believes that behaviour is determined by past experiences and previous conditioning (no free will)
  • NURTURE: The cognitive approach suggests that schemas are learnt therefore we are the product of our upbringing. The behaviourist approach also believes that we are the product of our upbringing.


  • NOMOTHETIC/IDIOGRAPHIC METHODS: The cognitive approach uses research on groups and generalised to all individuals (nomothetic) as well as idiographic methods for example case studies on Clive Wearing/Prosopagnosia. Whereas, the behaviourist approach uses nomothetic methods as it does research on groups and generalises to all individuals and species. Laws generated.

Overall comparison


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