CN Cognitive Recognition Critical Analysis

  • Created by: Psych951
  • Created on: 06-05-19 09:45

CN Cognitive Recognition Critical Analysis


  • Combining view-point dependent image recognition and structural models provides account of basic-categorical recognition and item-specific
  • Evidence to support specialised processing of faces in right hemisphere
  • Evidence to support the holistic processing of faces and prototypes
  • Inverted, scrambled an negative faces are poorly recognised, supporting idea of holistic face processing
  • Help to understand how people impose their perceptions on the world and how this affects interactions e.g. readiness for social encounters, attractive judgements
  • Cognitive tasks allow manipulation of variables that help to recreate or make new environmental problems that reveal possible underlying mechanisms
  • Use methods such as eye-tracking to reveal unconscious aspects


  • Each theory of object recognition provides a somewhat limited understanding - Likely a combination
  • Cannot claim right lateralisation for face processing as left is important for low-level processing
  • Expertise for stimulus impacts recognition, and so it could be argued that faces are simply more familiar and so experts - Less efficient for unfamiliar
  • Harmful consequences for law and justice systems
  • Cannot use self-report information to supplement evidence due to unconscious nature of recognition


Although there is need for further investigation to strengthen some theories and conclusions, generally the research is useful. There is lots of evidence to support proposed recognition mechanisms, thanks to the sophisticated manipulations in cognitive tasks, and these theories help understand behaviour in the world. 


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