Blood Brothers Characters: Mickey Johnstone

  • Created by: Olivia711
  • Created on: 12-02-17 13:38

Personality: Act 1

Personality Change: Act 2

  • Carefree, normal childhood with very little worries, i.e wanting to be like his older brother. Time occupied by playing typical childish games and not caring.
  • Does not see how him and Eddie are different, but Sammy points it out. Sees Eddie's kind nature rather than his social background, newly exposed kindness that he is not used to in his usual life.
  • Has a natural bond with Eddie, either stemming from Eddie's approachable nature or a subconscious knowledge that they are related.
  • As seen as a pain to society, shown through the policeman's and Mrs Lyons reaction to him. Despite this, we as readers see him as kind and harmless, showing he is often misunderstood, even from an early age.
  • Always had a strong bond with Linda, and from an early age felt the need to impress her an act like a man. Parallel to his adult years and marriage.
  • Shown in mid-teenage years, portrayed as atypical teenager but his apparent bond with Linda has grown stronger. Cannot deal when Linda tells him she loves him, suggesting he had complications with his emotions early on.
  • Mickey does not do well in state education, but nothing suggests he isn't bright. He is seen as a 'waste of space; implying that his future was already paved for him in the teenage years.
  • A reunion with Eddie sparks a flurry of happy memories for the trio, alluding that the teenage years are full of bliss compared to the harsh realities of adulthood.
  • His happy demeanor is kept up once he gets his first job, and eventually gets the courage to ask Linda to be his girlfriend. His relationship with Eddie at this point is still very strong, despite that the two moving in opposite directions in life and both having affections over Linda.
  • As his life begins to dwindle, so does his happiness. After finding out Linda is pregnant, Mickie gets sacked by Mr Lyons on his wedding day, prompting him to end up in a cycle of unemployment and despair common in the 1980's.
  • Feeling like he has no other option, Mickey uncharacteristically agrees to be a lookout for Sammy's robbery. After being caught, his mental state deteriorates, as he rots in prison unable to motivate himself. Out of desperation, he gets addicted to anti-depressants, showing how society has let him go to waste.
  • Doesn't like accepting help from Councillor Lyons, feels like his masculinity is being threatened. At a vunerable point, but cannot accept help and pushes those who care away from him.

Themes Associated

Relevant Quotes

  • Childhood:
  • "I had to grow up"


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