
  • Created by: ElaineN
  • Created on: 31-03-17 23:09



  • Scientifically credible. Brings in processes like replication and objectivity. Influential in the development of Psychology as a scientific discipline.
  • Set in Lab Settings. Brings in language and methods of the Natural sciences in Psychology, because it focuses on measurements of observable behaviour in Labs.
  • Real-Life Application. Operant Conditioning can be seen in token Economy systems (Prisons, Psych Hospitals). Classical Conditioning is used for treating Phobias.
  • Social Learning Theory emphasizes importance of mental Processes.
  • Process mediates from response and Stimuli. Shows we may have a bigger role in our learning.


  • Ethical and Practical Issues of Animal Experiments. Skinner's Rats were exposed to stressful and aversive conditions. May have affected reactions.
  • Mechanistic views of Behaviour. Animals and Humans are seen as passive and machine-like in their environment. Little or no conscious insight into behaviour.
  • The Learning Theory may apply less to humans and more to Animal behaviour.
  • Environmental Determinism. Determines behaviour is caused by experiences that have been conditioned. Doesn't allow free will to play any part.




