Analysis Interviews and Meetings

  • Created by: Bellaxox
  • Created on: 25-04-18 14:14

Analysis Interviews and Meetings


  • More detailed information can be obtained than questionnaires because the interviewee can answer open questions with open answers
  • The analyst can ask the users to elaborate upon their answers meaning that they can get detailed responses and therefore get all the information that is needed
  • Additional questions can be asked if the analyst suddenly thinks of something that may provide useful information
  • Opinions can be expressed informally
  • Body language can be read meaning that the interviewer gets more information about the interviewee’s feelings or opinions about current or future systems


  • Interviews are time consuming because they have to be planned, arranged, carried out and then the responses need to be analysed.
  • Interviews are not appropriate for lots of users because of the amount of time it would take
  • Interviews do not provide statistical data analysis because they are not as structured as questionnaires
  • It may be difficult to arrange a mutually convenient time for the interview
  • Lack of anonymity may lead to honest answers not being given and therefore true opinions about the current or future system cannot be elicited



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