Advantages & Disadvantages of Command Economies

  • Created by: samuel991
  • Created on: 13-02-17 14:41

Advantages & Disadvantages of Command Economies


  • Co-operation between firms can lead to high levels of output
  • There is a reduction in inequality compared to free market economies.
  • The government may limit the external costs from production and consumption.
  • The government can fund the provision of public goods
  • Less unemployment and inflation


  • The price mechanism is unable to operate so markets may suffer from shortages and surpluses leading to inefficient allocation of resources
  • Lack of competition leads to [poor quality goods
  • There is less choice of goods and services for consumers to select from.
  • A lack of financial incentives: managers have no profit incentives to take risks
  • Economic growth and living standards tend to grow at a much slower rates.



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