Advantages and disadvantages of business planning


Advantages and disadvantages of business planning


  • Enables owners of new or existing business to review their ideas and see if it will provide a profitable future
  • Reduces risk- guide for business for what to do and when
  • Allows business to measure success against plan; make changes if need be
  • help ensure finance is available e.g. bank loans, lenders will see if business is organised
  • helps to set objectives in order to achieve aims
  • Helps set up a business successfully
  • helps to co-ordinate actions- plan should be set out to for how an objective is going to be achieved.


  • Uncertainty of what will happen in the future makes it harder to predict your statistics e.g. the no. units sold of the product
  • Lack of experience. Usually people who make their plans lack very much experience and are not as effective when planning.
  • Change. Business plans need to be reviewed and updated regularly.
  • Does not guarantee business success. -Plan quality may be low due to lack of experience from the people who wrote it.
  • Takes time and effort which may be expensive, especially for small businesses.
  • New opportunities can be missed if they are not in the plan.





These notes are very useful as they summarise all basic information. To my mind, business planning is important as it helps to predict almost all possible risks and results. I've used some of these grids along with while I've prepared for my exams. I'd like to get MBA degree so I study and read a lot of materials now.



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